Monday, August 10, 2015

Summer Reading Blog #3

                                   The City of Ember
                                                           By: Jeanne DuPrau


When defining something, look at it carefully and identify the qualities that make it


Define what makes an interesting story or poem.
Define what is needed to make a good setting.
• Define what is needed for a reader to be able to relate to a character?

             What makes an interesting story or poem is a great plot. I say the plot makes a story or poem interesting because without the plot there wouldn't be a great ending or resolution. Also dialogue is always interesting because that is where you get all the great imagery from characters. The dialogue is what keeps me interested. Although, that is nothing more than a opinion people might halve the same feelings towards what makes a story or poem interesting. Another thing that makes a poem or story interesting is the title or then cover. I say the title because that is what mainly draws people in when they see nothing other than that. The cover on the other hand, brings everyone in. Without a cover or title people might not be interested on reading the story or poem.

             What is needed to make a good setting is mainly the way either the narrator or the characters explain it. The ways characters explains the book is always the best way because you get the imagery from it and feel like you are there. I guess the narrator could explain it but it isn't really the same when the characters explain it. It is all about the perspective that makes a good setting but, that is my opinion. What also makes a really good setting is some kind of plot to it. If there is no plot to a setting it isn't really intriguing whatsoever. Those are the main things that make a good setting interesting.

              What is needed for a reader to be able to relate to a character is relatable traits. I know that is rather obvious to be able to relate to a character but that is what is needed. For example if a character plays sports, has a hobby, or where the character is located. All of these option are relatable to many people already but it is not specific enough. What is needed is to narrow down the options so the character can reach out to a certain audience. Now to keep all of the traits the same but to be more specific. The character now plays baseball, collects baseball cards and lives is in Boston, Massachusetts. Now people can relate to the character and it reaches out to only a certain variety of the readers.

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