Sunday, March 6, 2016

Berlin Memorial

1- What did you learn?
2- Why do you think this monument was built?
3- What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years?
4- Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with and why?

           What I learned was that the Jews had a lot of restrictions, like a lot more than I could've thought of. For example, I didn't know that the Jews weren't allowed to purchase eggs or milk in 1942. That is completely outrageous, if the Jews had a farm they weren't even able to have it. There wasn't any chance reallly for the Jews to survive. The Germans made it possible but very difficult to have them live.  The ones that did live were the strongest because they lost many people from their family and it never stopped them from trying. This is the type of things that really open my eyes about struggling because a lot of people on this world claim they are struggling and they are living a hard life but they will never live as bad as the Jews did.

           The reason why the monument was built was to remember how bad the Jews were treated and to represent that we care about them. It also represents that the past is behind us and we are different now, they deserve that respect. Throughout WWII the laws became worse as more and more rights were taken away.  The monument is a small way to pay respect to the cruelty that the Jews had to live through. Even though this isn't really an easy thing to witness and see it is really nice to know that people still care.

           What I noticed about the laws that were passed in the past certainyeats were strictly towards the Jews. Also as the years went on the punishments or laws got worse and worse. It started from all Jews had to do forced labor to as bad as not being able to go to school. The craziest thing was that Jews weren't able to purchase milk. Out of all the many restrictions that the Jews had the one that would be the most difficult for me would be not being able to attend school. Honestly I don't know what I would do with my life. Even though I don't really enjoy school it is essential and apart of my daily life. I can use empathy now and see how difficult it must've been for Jews without education and many other restrictions.


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