Friday, February 19, 2016

Night Blog

When comparing things, look closely to find all things that are alike between them.
• Compare what is happening to a character in the book with your own or a
friend’s life.
• Compare the plot of what you are reading with your favorite book.
• Compare where you live to the setting described in what you are reading.

          Elie Wiesel's life is the definition of struggle, he has been through it all. Growing up he has been always on the move, has been split up by his family and has seen several tramatizing things. It's just amazing how someone can go through all of that and have the ability to write it all in a book. I don't think I would be able to do that after all he went through. Then, there is a friend of mine who's life who has went through many things but not as bad as this. I mean you could've gone through something bad but not as bad. However, I'm not sure how my friend will grow up to be but I do know how Wiesel turned out. 

           In this book Night Elie is stuck in a concentration camp with many restrictions. He also was really young and kind of unaware of what was going on and the worst part was that he soon became aware. Once he became aware of what was going on he did his best to survive. In order to do that he had to keep his spirit high regardless of what was happening which allowed him to survive. In my favorite book Of Mice and Men on the other hand is about two people who are trying to find a job and live their dream of getting a house together. The plot is that one or the characters doesn't really want that dream anymore and the other character is stuck on it. My I mind you that this other character Lenny is mentally ill and has a lot of strength that he can't control. He then kills someone in the book and the other character try's to protect him but he just simply kills him on his own. These plots are similar because they are resolved with the best solution possible and that is just to get it over and done with. It may take some time but it'll be worth it. 

The setting of which that I live in and the setting in book I'm reading are hard to compare but their are some similarities. For example, Berwyn and the concentration camp in Night are similar because we have a lot of people who work hard in both settings. If you don't work you don't necessarily survive because hard work pays off. Like in the concentration camps if you worked hard you were able to keep your life. In Berwyn if you work hard you get money to pay for food in shelter which is essential to our lives. Another comparison we have is schedules that we used in our everyday lives. We have to do what we need to do to live our lives to the fullest.


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