Thursday, April 16, 2015

Weekly Blog

A Dog's Life By: Ann M. Martin

           In this story "A Dogs Life" the title goes perfectly with the story line. I say this because this book is basically about a dogs life.  However, to get in more detail this book is about how hard it is being a stray. For instance, in this book Squirrel (Main character) losses so many people along the way. People such as her mom, brother and dearest friend, even if dogs may not seem like they feel the same like us but they do Squirrel went through traumatizing life experiences.  Seeing her best friend get hit by a car, seeing her brother taken by humans and being thrown out of a car unwanted. As I was reading the title I knew what it would be about what it said but, that isn't the point because the author followed the title perfectly and overall did terrific.

           The quality of the writing was really good but it could've been better. It is nothing against Ann Martin it is just that I feel like she could've explained better. However, it wasn't just the story she should've added a introduction of why she is writing it from a dogs perspective. I understood why but, what if other people didn't. She explained it well throughout the story but some people might not understand. However, this is only my opinion people might've think she did amazing or even terrible but she is in the middle for me.

           Is Squirrel worthy of my friendship? Heck yeah she is I don't know if I am worthy of her friendship. Even if she is just a dog she has an amazing personality and is a loyal companion. I am kind of wishing that squirrel was a person and I could meet her and ask so many questions and hopefully become friends with her. Even though she lost many people along her long & suspenseful journey she never did just forget about the others, she kept on thinking about them and tried to look for them. Though she didn't succeed she at least put in all the effort she could as a dog. To be honest this is one of the best friends I would want to find someday that is how much I enjoy her character.

                             I commented on Sam's


  1. I really liked your blog, but you should have added a picture, title, and the prompts you answered. It is sort of confusing because I can't see what your prompts are.

  2. I think that this blog was well-wriiten out. The only thing that I would say is that I saw a few grammatical errors, and it would be a little clearer if you put the prompt in the beginning.

  3. Hey Sebastian. Nice Bog! I was interested in reading this book, II think you persuaded me more. I also agree with Giovanna, it was well-written.

  4. Sebastian - Nice job overall! You are thorough in your writing and your voice is present. Make sure to reread to revise for grammatical errors, i.e. dogs life should be dog's life. Also, you need to comment on three other blogs!

  5. Nice Blog! I think you did the prompts really good and I think that it was also well written, but (like Mrs. Larson said) it had a few grammatical errors. Like in the second paragraph you put the comma after the "but" instead of before.
