Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paradox and Dream

                 "Americans are remarkably kind and hospitable and open with both guests and strangers; and yet they will make a wide circle around the man dying on the pavement. Fortunes are spent getting cats out of trees and dogs out of sewer pipes; but a girl screaming for help in the street draws only slammed doors, closed windows, and silence. What this paradox means is that we care more about the smaller things more the things that actually matter. The use the examples to show what is mainly true we would do anything to save an animal but barely try to save a human being in need. This is overall an opinion but it seems like it does happens.

                  I connected to this because I notice this all the time. We always make a huge deal over some animal and when someone dies it isn't as big of a deal. It is just terrible in my opinion, like what  they said in the story that "Fortunes are spent getting cats out of trees and dogs out of sewer pipes; but a girl screaming for help in the street draws only slammed doors, closed windows, and silence." We sometimes think of the least important things and care about them. Something can be happening to a a little girl and they hear her scream and they just look, these are terrible bystanders. This is like what we always talk about at school when we learn about bullying don't be a bystander.

                  "We fancy ourselves as hardheaded realists, but we will buy anything we see advertised, particularly on television; and we buy it not with reference to the quality or the value of the product, but directly as a result of the number of times we have heard it mentioned." What this paradox means is that we always buy items that we don't need. All of the items that we regularly buy are nearly all luxury items. We are easily persuaded by products that we see advertised and purchase it and we end up not enjoying it.

                  I connected to that paradox especially because I've done it before. I saw something that was advertised and they made it seem amazing, then it was terrible and I didn't even use it. Overall we make bad decisions and mistakes but everyone does and that connects to me also. Without mistakes such as the ones in the paradox we wouldn't be humans everyone has made mistakes in their lives and especially me. I always do things that I knew wasn't right or didn't think through the consequences but it's because I'm human.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sebastian! I like your blog and how you went into detail for each paradox. For your first paragraph you wrote " The use the example" did you mean they? Also, I wonder where you got the bystander part from, hm? Haha :). I also like your last paragraph, because it is generally true. We buy something from the TV ads thinking it's so miraculous!
