Thursday, May 12, 2016

Aphorism Project

1- Explain the aphorism in detail. what was Morrie's main message?
2-     Relate the aphorism to a movie, song, historical event, current event, personal experience, etc. and explain in detail how the example you have chosen relates to the aphorism.
3-     Evaluate the aphorism by explaining why you agree/disagree with it. Give specific reasons for your position and specific evidence from the text to support your position.
4-     Take a picture of your aphorism to use as your graphic.
5- Include your own aphorism regarding life.

The aphorism that I'm doing is "you're not a wave, you are part of the ocean" this is my favorite aphorism from Morrie. What this quote really means is that even though you are dead you will still be part of this world. For instance, say someone you know dies and you knew each other very well. Then they die that person who just died will always be remembered and thought about. Even if that person died as a wave they still end up being part of the ocean. This I believe was Morrie main message, he just wants everyone to know even if they don't think they'll still play a part in this world they will always, no matter what. 

I remember a long time ago my mom and I were talking about death and stuff. The reason why we were talking about this was because my great grandma had died. I had asked my mom if she was really gone forever thinking I already knew the answer to it. She replied with a no and I asked why. She said,"just because great grandma is dead doesn't mean she is gone forever" at this point I was confused. She told me as long as we think about her all the time and pray for her she'll always be apart of our world. To this day I still do all that for her and believe everyone else is doing it too. The aphorism "you're not a wave, you are part of the ocean" has been with me longer than I thought.

I agree with this aphorism fully because it makes so much sense, considering I have experienced this aphorism before. This aphorism is in my opinion the best one out there to me because as you read it more and more it makes more sense. At first I didn't understand it but when I actually took the time to think about it, it all ended up making sense. The reason why I agree with it is because everytime I lose a loved one from now on I will now know they'll always be a part of me. Even if they physically aren't with me they will be with me in my thoughts and heart. I honestly believe that I will live by this aphorism for the rest of my life. 

"Keep you're head up...Or you'll mess up your posture" -Sebastian Burgos

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